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  • Falcon 100 ACLM

Falcon 100 ACLM

  • The FACLON 100 ACLM is a premium solution for fully automated traffic cone handling, featuring some unique characteristics:

    • ​EASY: Easy to operate through touch screen control panel.
    • ​RESILIANT: Machine design suited for all-weather use (except snow).​
    • RELIABLE: Developed and tested since 2014 and with experience of 150’000+ cones deployed and collected over hundreds of kilometers of lane closures.​
    • FAST: FALCON 100 out-performs most competitor systems based on speed.​
    • ​SAFE: Minimal exposure of machine structure to live traffic. Zero exposure of moving parts to live traffic.
    • ​FLEXIBLE: Various modes allow for use in different traffic management settings.
    • ​MODULAR: Available in three sizes (S/M/L) to fit your requirements


Falcon 100 is designed for use with 1000mm, 7.5kg cones, Type Falcon 100. The Falcon 100 cone can be delivered with different types of reflective sleeves, depending on local requirements.

It is designed to be mouted on the back of a truck bed or inside a curtain side body. The distance between cones can be freely set by operator within a range of 3-100m. Automatic taper left to right and right to left functions. User friendly touch screen for remote control and camera system display, monitored by 4 cameras.

Cones can be placed and picked up all the way across the back of the vehicle including to the outside of the vehicle L/R on each side. Preset modes for work in medium and narrow lanes.

Continuous deployment of cones in one lane at a set distance while driving forward. Continuous collection of cones in lone lane while driving backwards.


Cone Storage Weight (without cones) Weight (with cones) Machine Length
432 cones 3,500 kg 6,750 kg 7,500 mm
