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Temporary Traffic Lights

Show 1 - 5 of 7 product's

MC-400 Wired Remote

P/N TL0414-BOM

Manual control (cabled) of single and 2-way configurations.

TRH-4 Wireless Remote

P/N TL0420-BOM

Unlimited remotes can be used with any one system. Ability to control all intersection configurations including 4-way.

AGD Vehicle Detectors

P/N TL0060-06

The detector is mounted above the red aspect and pointed towards the oncoming traffic. The detector has a single zone of detection stretching from the radar to typically 35m along the carriageway. The detection zone is such that only vehicles approaching the detector are detected and vehicles travelling away from the detector are ignored. Up to two lanes wide can be monitored.

Traffic Signal Countdown Timer

P/N TL0440

A traffic signal countdown timer digitally displays the time remaining in seconds until the light changes.

Includes Transport Hard Carry Case.

Set of Class 1 Traffic Control Signs


Set of Class 1 Traffic Control Signs & Quad Stands

  • Stop Here On Red Signal 600x600 & Stand (2)
  • Prepare To Stop 900x600 & Stand (2)
  • Traffic Signal Symbol 600x600 & Stand (2)